Sample Wedding: Bride's Name & Groom's Name

On (Date of Wedding). at (Time of Wedding) at (Place of Wedding)

Officiant: Rev. Walter E. Johnson, M.Div. 21 Colorados Drive, Millbrae, 94030 (650)697-6212 Email:

(Brides's Name) & (Groom's Name), This outline may have much more in it than you may want to use, but I thought that it might help to have all the pieces of a wedding so that you can pick and choose the parts you like. I am very flexible and open to your ideas. We can have it as simple and short or more complex so that the ceremony fit you and the situation. The references ("See: - - -")are to the optional/alternative readings contained in my Wedding Book for each part of the ceremony (see enclosed copy). I also want you to know that I like to adjust the religious expression in the ceremony to be at a level that feels right for you.


Background music as guests are being seated.

Candle lighting (Ushers)

Ushering in of (Groom's Name)'s Grandmother ( ,) and Grandfather ( ,)

Ushering in of (Brides's Name)'s Grandmother ( ,) and Grandfather ( ,)

Ushering in of (Groom's Name)'s Mother ( ) followed by father ( )

Ushering in of (Brides's Name)'s Mother ( )

Ceremony begins with the seating of (Brides's Name)'s Mother

(Note: Rev. Johnson starts his recorder to record the ceremony)

Special Music or Song:

Entrance Music -- Rev. Johnson, (Groom) Best Man ( ) and Ushers take their positions.

Bridesmaids, Ring Bearer, Flower Girl and then the Maid of Honor ( ) enter.

(Brides's Name)'s Entrance Music -- (Brides's Name) enters with father or escort


You're special to (Bride & Groom): The importance of being invited to attend their wedding.

You're all a part of (Groom's Name) and (Brides's Name)'s life and an essential part of this ceremony

Invite them to enjoy being there.

THE PRESENTATION: "Who is it that presents (Brides's Name) to be Married to (Groom's Name)?"

Father (or escort): " I do." or " Her mother and I do."

He shakes (Groom's Name)'s hand, embraces (Brides's Name)and then places her hand in (Groom's Name) hand -- They turn together - (the rest of the Wedding party turns at the same time.)

THE GREETING and CALL TO CELEBRATION: Dear friends and loved ones of (Brides's Name) and (Groom's Name), throughout religious history, people have felt a need to celebrate the great moments of life. At those times we call upon those dear to us to help commemorate the high moment. But even more so, we feel the need to hold these experiences up before God. Thus, in this place, before all of you, and in the presence of God, (Brides's Name) and (Groom's Name) come to receive the blessing of marriage. (See: 1. THE GREETING and CALL TO CELEBRATION Page 1)

SHARING OF THEMES important to (Groom's Name) and (Brides's Name).

PRAYER: O God, our Creator, source of infinite love, bless us with a sense of your indwelling presence as we worship here. Keep us sensitive to the wonder of things which fill our days and give meaning to our lives. Deepen in us the level of our loving, both for those near and dear to us, and for those who, though strangers, need our concern.

Especially do we pray your blessing on (Brides's Name)and(Groom's Name), who come here in this high moment of their lives. Be near to them as they make their promises to each other, that they shall pledge their vows with deepest sincerity, knowing full well the meaning of the words they say.

And do grant us all, we pray, a heightened sense of the joy of life because we share this moment with them, in your loving spirit. Amen. (See: 8. PRAYERS Page 11))


The Mothers will now come forward and light the candles representing the individual lives of (Brides's Name) and (Groom's Name) which they have nurtured ever since the moment the light of their lives began. (See: 4. OPPORTUNITIES for FAMILY and FRIENDS to STATE THEIR SUPPORT)


Wedding Party Proceed toward Altar -(3 hands her Bouquet to Maid of Honor)

CHALLENGES to (Brides's Name) and (Groom's Name): Marriage is the intimate sharing of two lives. The ideal marriage relationship is one which is continually growing, and in which each person is individually developing and maturing, while growing in understanding and love for the other. Sharing such understanding and acceptance adds a fuller dimension to the joy we experience while making it easier to live with the disappointments life includes. To be known in this way is a priceless gift. (See 2. CHALLENGES AND PROMISES Page 2)


Rev. Johnson to (Groom's Name): (I will question each of you as follows:)

"Will you have (Brides's Name) to be your wife, and will you pledge yourself to her, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with her, and cherish her, in the holy bond of marriage? If so say "I Will" Answer: "I will." (See 3. THE QUESTIONS of INTENTION Page 4)

Rev. Johnson to (Brides's Name):

"Will you have (Groom's Name) to be your husband, and will you pledge yourself to him, in all love and honor, in all duty and service, in all faith and tenderness, to live with him, and cherish him, in the holy bond of marriage? Answer: "I will."


I (Groom's Name) take you (Brides's Name) -- to be my wedded Wife -- and I promise before God and these witnesses -- to be your loving and faithful Husband. -- Whether we are rich or poor, -- In Joy and in sorrow, -- in sickness and in health -- for as long as we both shall live.

I (Brides's Name) take you (Groom's Name) -- to be my wedded Husband -- and I promise before God and these witnesses -- to be your loving and faithful Wife. -- Whether we are rich or poor, -- In Joy and in sorrow, -- in sickness and in health -- for as long as we both shall live. (See.4. THE WEDDING VOWS Page 6)

THE RING VOW: Wedding rings serve as the symbol of the covenant you have just spoken. They are the outward and visible sign of an inward and invisible love which binds your hearts together. As they are of the finest of earth's materials, so your love is of the richest of spiritual values. As rings are without edge or seam, having no beginning and no end, so they symbolize the perfection of a love that cannot end.

(Groom's Name): "(Brides's Name), I love you -- And give you this ring --as a symbol of my love and of our marriage."

(Brides's Name): "(Groom's Name), I love you -- And give you this ring --as a symbol of my love and of our marriage." (See 6. The Exchange of Rings Page 8)


(Best Man & Maid of Honor join in laying a hand of blessing on the rings)

Let us pray: Bless these rings, O God, to be the visible sign of the vows here made, that each who gives a ring and each who wears one may ever be reminded of their promises, evermore living and growing in the spirit of your love. Amen

INTRODUCTION OF THE UNITY CANDLE and Lighting of the Unity Candle

PRAYER: Eternal God: without your grace no promise is sure. Strengthen (Groom's Name) and (Brides's Name) with the gift of your Spirit, so that they may fulfill the vows they have taken. Keep them faithful to each other and to you. Fill them with such love and joy that they may build a home where no one is a stranger. And guide them by your word to serve you all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom be honor and glory forever. Amen. (See: 8. PRAYERS Page 11)

THE PROCLAMATION: It is with great joy I announce and proclaim to you, your family and friends and to the whole world that you are now husband and wife. (See: 7. THE PRONOUNCEMENT Page 9)

THE BLESSING: BENEDICTION: Go into the world and fulfill your lives. Hold fast to your ideals. Give one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another, that you might grow together. May your love, now (sealed) in marriage, mature and enrich the experiences of both of you. May your home be a happy one, and your lives fulfilled. Amen. (See: 9. THE BLESSING or BENEDICTION Page 12)

THE KISS: (Brides's Name) and (Groom's Name) Kiss

(3 recovers bouquet from Maid of Honor and then all turn toward guests)

INTRODUCTION: "(Groom's Name) and (Brides's Name), Husband and Wife."

Recessional Music 3 and (Groom's Name) join hands and exit followed by Wedding party.